Yes brothers and sisters, our very own BCBP Mactan Taytayan Newsletter is back. After a hiatus of almost three years we finally have re-launched Taytayan under a formidable team of eager and dedicated Publication Ministry servants who’ll be recording, documenting and publishing all our significant community events and activities; from the local chapter, region, area or even national level.

Yes brothers and sisters, our very own BCBP Mactan Taytayan Newsletter is back. After a hiatus of almost three years we finally have re-launched Taytayan under a formidable team of eager Publication Ministry servants who’ll be recording, documenting and publishing all our significant community events and activities; from the local chapter, region, area or even national level.

Looking back, the first issue of the Taytayan Newsletter was released on October 8, 1995, Mactan’s second anniversary, it was still an outreach then.

In that first issue, the writer explained why it was named Taytayan:

So as you can see the name of our Taytayan newsletter is divinely inspired. Want further proof? Not only it is aptly named in the above original explanation or that it geographically depicts one of Mactan’s most popular landmarks; the bridge (now there are two, a third is on its way to completion), but the Latin word for Taytayan is Pontem, and those who build bridges are in Latin called Pontifex. The etymology, or the study of the history of words states that Pontifex consists of the Latin word for “bridge” and the suffix for “maker” or in other words “bridge-builder”. Wikipedia states that the College of Pontiffs was a body of the ancient Roman state whose members were the highest-ranking priests of the state religion.

And who is the Supreme Pontiff? Your guess is as good as mine. The Pope is the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, the Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God.

From the above paragraphs we can rightly conclude that our Taytayan newsletter is divinely inspired. Thru its articles it bridges us together, not only within our chapter but to the BCBP nation and the Catholic universe … and to our Heavenly Father, the Almighty God. Being BCBP members we have bridged ourselves to one another thru our common faith in God.

So come on then brothers and sisters. Let’s keep this Taytayan standing tall and proud as a beacon of BCBP Mactan, let us all contribute in whatever way we can with our articles, stories and pictures.